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Treatments from an experienced gem therapist can positively impact your life, especially during times of illness, stress, and major changes. A treatment usually lasts an hour, but can take a little longer or shorter depending on the chosen form. Because you keep all clothing on, it is nice to wear comfortable clothing made of natural materials during the treatment.
Color therapy:
In color therapy (or color puncture) we use the healing energy that is enclosed in visible, colored rays of light. Color puncture is a painless therapy, suitable for young and old, that can be used for both physical and mental complaints, including:
The treatments are a useful addition to regular treatment, but first consult your doctor or specialist.
Treatments from an experienced gem therapist can positively impact your life, especially during times of illness, stress, and major changes. A treatment usually lasts an hour, but can take a little longer or shorter depending on the chosen form. Because you keep all clothing on, it is nice to wear comfortable clothing made of natural materials during the treatment.
Color therapy:
In color therapy (or color puncture) we use the healing energy that is enclosed in visible, colored rays of light. Color puncture is a painless therapy, suitable for young and old, that can be used for both physical and mental complaints, including:
The treatments are a useful addition to regular treatment, but first consult your doctor or specialist.
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