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The eucalyptus oil is a mixture that consists of a high percentage of eucalyptus and various other essential oils. It can be used as an excellent addition to massage creams for muscles and joints. It has an extraordinarily fragrant and stimulating fragrance. The aroma is very much appreciated by the respiratory tract and the oil is therefore indispensable, especially during the winter .
Use a few drops for baths, massages and foot baths.
Eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, orange oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, narrow-leaved coneflower.
The eucalyptus oil is a mixture that consists of a high percentage of eucalyptus and various other essential oils. It can be used as an excellent addition to massage creams for muscles and joints. It has an extraordinarily fragrant and stimulating fragrance. The aroma is very much appreciated by the respiratory tract and the oil is therefore indispensable, especially during the winter .
Use a few drops for baths, massages and foot baths.
Eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, orange oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, narrow-leaved coneflower.
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