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To restore moisture content. sun protection factor.
Indications: For normal, dry and devitalized skin types in need of hydration and daily protection due to aging or external factors. With sun protection factor. It provides a light and even complexion.
Benefits: Moisturizing, nourishing and skin protection. When moisture levels are restored, the skin feels smooth and elasticity improves. With sun protection factor, hypoallergenic. Recommended for atopic and sensitive skin types.
To restore moisture content. sun protection factor.
Indications: For normal, dry and devitalized skin types in need of hydration and daily protection due to aging or external factors. With sun protection factor. It provides a light and even complexion.
Benefits: Moisturizing, nourishing and skin protection. When moisture levels are restored, the skin feels smooth and elasticity improves. With sun protection factor, hypoallergenic. Recommended for atopic and sensitive skin types.